Accessibility statement
Accessibility statement
FPS BOSA aims to provide accessible website, in correspondance with the July 19 2018 legislation regarding the accessibility of websites and mobile applications by government organisations.
This accessibility statement applies to
- Website :
Compliance Status
This website is partially compliant to the accessibility requirements, due to non-compliance to the criteria described below.
Non-accessible content
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reason(s):
The contrast between some elements on the website is not sufficient
Preparation of this accessibility statement
This accessibility statement was created on 22/09/2020.
This accessibility statement was last revised on 22/09/2020.
Feedback and contact information
In case of remarks, or if you have relevant information for this website, please contact the responsible organization.
Improvement plan
The accessibility nonconformities detected will be communicated to the website provider and solutions will be developed for the next update of this application. The accessibility statement will be amended after the deployment of this update.